laser treatments


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Diode Laser Hair Removal


No. of sessions:

6 +

Treatment time:

10 - 60 min  

Recovery time:


Results duration:

6 - 12 months


What is it?

It is a cosmetic treatment that works by removing the hair follicle by applying a powerful beam of light. This light emits an energy that is absorbed by the hair, while it transmits the energy to the germ cells that make the hair grow. In this way, they are destroyed causing them not to reproduce again.It uses a machine that emits energy with a wavelength greater than other types of lasers for hair removal.

How many sessions do I need?

The sessions by diode laser hair removal will largely depend on the hair, the amount and the density of hair of each person.

How long do I have to wait between sessions?

Sessions have to be spaced out from 4 to 6 weeks.

How long would it take me to see results?

Generally, after the first session you can start seeing a few differences in the hair density and growth. But after the sixth session, you will be able to notice the results.

Do I have to do follow ups?

Yes, this and any laser hair treatment is considered semi-permanent which means you have to do touch ups every 6 or 12 months.

IPL Facial


No. of sessions:

4 - 6

Treatment time:

20 - 60 min

Recovery time:

15 - 30 min

Results duration:

6 - 18 months


What is it?

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is ideal for treating acne, rosacea, thread veins and pigmentation. It is a non-invasive treatment that uses broad wavelength light to break down the targeted cells while stimulating collagen and elastin production.

How long do I have to wait for a new session?

From 3 to 6 weeks.

How long do I have to wait to see results?

The effects of an IPL Photofacial are gradual. You begin to see a change in your face within a week to 10 days and on the other treated areas of your body within 6-8 weeks.

What other areas of my body can be treated?

Although IP treatments mainly benefit the face, it can also benefit the upper chest, arms, legs, hands, and shoulders by giving your skin a new look. If you have multiple spots of sun damage on different body parts, curing them with IPL can give you an even, youthful appearance.

Carbon Peel Facial


No. of sessions:

3 - 6

Treatment time:

50 min

Recovery time:


Results duration:

 4 weeks


What is it?

It is a laser peel that stimulates collagen, reduces pigment and resurfaces the skin. A carbon gel/cream is applied to the patient’s skin post cleansing. A Q-Switched laser is then used to target the pigment in the carbon. The carbon is vaporized and the tissue underneath is heated resulting in tighter, brighter, and smoother skin.

How many treatments are recommended?

Although patients will have the greatest results with 3 or more treatments, benefits can be seen after only one treatment. The Carbon Peel is great a day or two prior to an event when you want improved tone, texture, and brighter.

How much downtime is there after a Carbon Peel?

There is little to no downtime after this treatment. Patients may have some slight redness after the treatment, but this usually resolves within the hour. You may return to work or to your daily activities after the treatment.

Is the treatment painful?

Most patients describe the sensation as warm and tingly. Some may feel a rubber band snapping sensation. Most patients tolerate the treatment with no numbing agents applied.

How long do I have to wait to have a new session?

Carbon Peel is a gentle procedure that can be performed monthly, or even just once before a special event. It depends on the results you are trying to achieve. Glowing skin before an event – a day or two prior to event. Ongoing collagen stimulation, even skin tone, texture and youthful skin – one time per month.

Is there any post-procedure care instructions?

Laser Acne Treatment


No. of sessions:

As needed

Treatment time:

30 - 60 min

Recovery time:


Results duration:

12 months


What is it?

We use a special device to treat active acne and acne scarring which work deep into the dermal structure to eliminate the bacteria that is the source of the breakouts. By destroying the bacteria and minimizing pore size, the process that leads to the formation of pimples, nodules, and inflammation is stopped. As the bacteria are significantly reduced, we can achieve long-term results from these sessions.

Does it hurt?

All of the acne treatments we perform are relatively comfortable and require minimal or none downtime after procedure.

When will I see results?

This treatment generally involve a series of sessions to achieve the best possible outcome. While you will likely see improvement throughout the process, full results will be noticiable once your treatment plan is completed.

Is there any recommendation after treatment?

Fractional Resurfacing


No. of sessions:

As needed

Treatment time:

50 min

Recovery time:


Results duration:

12 months


What is it?

It is a method of skin rejuvenation in which the targeted areas of the skin are precisely spaced out at a microscopic level, leaving some skin perfectly intact while other zones are heat treated. The treated skin replace old, destroyed cells with new, healthy ones, and the untreated areas maintain the tissue's stability for quicker recovery.

When will I be able to see the results?

You could start seeing some changes in your skin after two or five days. However, a real improvement is generally seen in about 2 to 3 months.

How long would the results last?

Results are long lasting, but not permanent. This means that additional treatments will be needed.

Will I feel pain or discomfort after treatment?

Patients describe Fractional Laser Resurfacing as a "prickling" sensation. Treatments can get quite hot, but topical numbing ointments and air cooling alleviates most discomfort.

Tattoo Removal


No. of sessions:

As needed

Treatment time:

15 - 60 min

Recovery time:


Results duration:



What is it?

Laser tattoo removal works by applying concentrated energy to the ink particles. This breaks up the large particles of ink into smaller ones, allowing your immune system to flush it out.

Will my tattoo be removed completely?

Most tattoos can be entirely removed using this treatment. Based on the specific characteristics of your tattoo, our laser professionals will be open with you about what level of removal is most likely to be possible for your tattoo.

Will I have a scar?

Our  laser’s pulse is so quick that it is able to dissolve the ink without destroying the live tissue in the process. Redness, swelling, blistering, and scabbing may follow tattoo removal laser treatments. But our laser technology combined with proper aftercare ensures that there will be no scarring.

Will I need multiple sessions to remove completely my tattoo?

Removing a tattoo is a fading process that requires a number of treatments

How long to I have to wait before a new session?

Six to eight weeks apart are required before having a new treatment. Black inks usually respond more quickly than bright colors because they absorb the light better.

How many sessions do I need for my tattoo to be completely removed?

The depth, amount and ink color, and the location of the tattoo, are going to determine how many sessions would be need.  Taking this into consideration, the process can take between 5 – 12 sessions.